
Library is Community!

Did you know that…?

  •       Over 23,000 Juneauites hold library cards.  Total library visits last year in Juneau were over 300,000, with the Valley accounting for over half of those visits.

  •       The square footage per patron in the Valley is one of the smallest in the whole state.  Our new design provides a right-sized library.
  •       1 out of every 4 people attended a meeting in one of Juneau’s Public Libraries last year.  There were many times that people had to be turned away.  The new Mendenhall Valley Library will offer a mix of large and small meeting rooms.

    Help us build a new library for the Mendenhall Valley!
    Please join us in voting YES on the 1% sales tax.


Let’s have fun at the Library!

This week’s bookmark facts are about kids.   The Friends of the JPL organization provides financial support for many library programs for youth including the Summer Reading Program and author visits.

Did you know that…?

  • The Mendenhall Mall Library serves 61% of the Juneau youth population but has the least space available for youth activities of all the libraries.


  • The library provides an average of 10 youth and family related activities each month. All of these activities are free!


  • The new valley library will have dedicated space for young children and teens separate from each other and from adult areas.


Help us build a new library for the Mendenhall Valley!

Please join us in voting YES on the 1% sales tax.


The importance of meeting space; and an important meeting

The Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries board is producing a series of bookmarks highlighting the many reasons we believe that a new library building is right for the Valley.  We are making these available at our Amazing Bookstore and at other events around town. 

One such upcoming event is our annual meeting, Saturday, September 15th at 3pm at the Downtown Public Library. This is an open meeting. We invite you to attend.

Speaking of meetings, this week’s bookmark highlights the important role the new library will play as a community meeting space.  Here are the facts:
Did you know that…?

  •  More than 190 different organizations used the Mendenhall Valley Library meeting space last year.
  •  The new Mendenhall Valley Library will offer large and small meeting rooms, with adjustable heating and lighting, and more flexible hours.
  •  The new library at Dimond Park will make this area a true community center for Juneau’s most populated neighborhood.

Help us make Dimond Park a place to exercise your body and your mind. The library is free, and it’s for everyone.

Please join us in voting YES on the 1% sales tax.