
Design Development slides and renderings posted

If you missed the last public meeting, the presentation slides used have been posted on the blog's documents page.  In addition to the slides, you'll find three very well done artistic renderings that the architecture team produced to help conceptualize what the building will look like.  Take a look! 

In a couple of weeks we'll be receiving the 65% cost estimate on this project and entering the last phase of architectural design.  This phase is mostly about finishing up all of the details - fixtures, finishes, small tweaks to design, interior work, and furniture.  We'll continue to update this blog with news as things develop.  As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Here's one of the renderings that shows the exterior entry of the building, as seen from the parking lot:


Design Development Review - November 6th

Hello everyone,

The third and final public meeting for the Mendenhall Valley Library project is set for November 6th, 6:30 PM, in the current Valley Library inside Mendenhall Mall.  The design team will be sharing a near-final site and floor plan, along with sharing details on interior design, furniture, and a number of 3D images depicting various spaces in and out of the library.

This public meeting coincides with the wrap up of the last major stage of development.  Between the end of this meeting and February of next year, the architects will be hard at work consolidating all of the work they've done so far, in combination with staff and public feedback, to produce a set of construction documents that will be used to solicit bids for the project.  The plan remains to advertise for bids in early March of next year, and award a contract in April.

If you're unable to make this meeting, you still have a couple of ways to participate in the process.  A display is in place at the Valley library where you can review the floor plan and submit comments.  We'll be updating the display after this last public meeting.  I'll also update this website with the presentation materials shown at the public meeting.  These, along with other documents posted in the past, can be found on the documents page of this website. Another option is to simply shoot me an email.

This continues to be an exciting, well managed, and on budget project.  We've significantly benefited from the large amount of public interest and participation we've had to date and I'm very much looking forward to this last meeting. 

I hope to see you there,

Robert Barr
Library Director
Juneau Public Libraries


Call For Artists!

Hello everyone,

The Call For Artists (CFA) has been posted today for design, production, and installation of art in the new Mendenhall Valley Public Library.  If you are, or know of, an interested artist, please refer them to this CBJ webpage to register and submit a proposal.  This link is also on our documents page, which may be helpful for interested artists who want to learn more about the project.  Initial proposals are due on or before October 4th. 

All the best,

Robert Barr
Library Director, member of MVPL Art Committee
Juneau Public Libraries


New Documents Posted

A couple of additional documents have been posted on the documents page, including:
  • A Sketchup model of the building.  If you want to check this out, you'll need to use a copy of Google's Sketchup program.
  • A Site Plan with potential art locations.
  • A Floor Plan with potential art locations.


SD presentation slides posted

If you missed the public meeting or are looking for the presentation slides, they're posted on the documents page of this website.

Our next public meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 24th.  Confirmation and more details will be posted here in the coming weeks.


Schematic Design Review - 8/15/13

Hello everyone,

The design work for the new Mendenhall Valley Public Library is nearing the halfway point.  Schematic design, the second of four design phases, is scheduled to be complete shortly after our next public meeting, which will be on August 15th, 6:30pm, at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library in the Mendenhall Mall.  I hope you can make the meeting and give us your feedback, thoughts, and suggestions.  If you can’t, there are a couple of other ways to provide your feedback:

·         Visit the library in the Mendenhall Mall.  There is a display with architectural drawings and a suggestion box.
·         Leave a comment on this web page.
·         Shoot me an email.

Additionally, the slides from the last public meeting are now posted under the “Documents” tab above.  My apologies for the delay.

Here are a couple of pictures to give you an idea of where we are right now in the process.  Keep in mind that there is still much design work to do.

This image shows the site where the library will be placed.  The thick orange arrows cover Riverside Drive, while the thinner orange arrow notes the primary entry into Dimond Park.  The library will be positioned on the yellow star, and the light green oval represents a stand of large trees which will remain between the library and the aquatic center.  The dotted yellow lines represent the range of the sun during the winter and summer, and weather primarily comes from the direction indicated by the thick blue arrow.  I’m excited about this site placement.  Dimond Park has the potential to become a community center for the Mendenhall Valley and the placement of the library on this site, already home to a number of key educational and recreational resources, significantly strengthens a sense of center in this area.

Here we see what the floor plan currently looks like.  Note the canopy covering the plaza area before the front doors – this will allow for covered benches and bike parking.  We’ve also programmed in a significant increase in meeting room space, including a large 70-100 person room, a smaller 10 person room, and four 1-6 person study rooms.

In this image, you can see some very early 3D models of what the building will look like.  We’ve settled on a single, sloped roof form.  This type of roof form helps control costs, allows for easy maintenance, and funnels rain and snow into a controllable area.  The top elevation displays the entry of the library from the parking lot, while the bottom image is taken from the perspective of driving South on Riverside Drive.  You can also see some potential material choices in the light wood (underside of the roof), and variable slate brick (exterior).

I’ll continue to post on this Friends of the Library web page as things develop and I hope to see you at the public meeting on the 15th.

All the best,

Robert Barr
Library Director
Juneau Public Libraries


Conceptual Design Review 6/25

The new facility for the Mendenhall Valley Public Library is quickly becoming a reality. The first phase of design for the building, what in architectural terms is called conceptual design, is nearly complete. Three phases remain: schematic, design development, and construction documents. Come join us for a public meeting to review the conceptual design documents at the Mendenhall Valley Public Library in the Mendenhall Mall. We’ll start the meeting at 7 pm in the reading area. Light refreshments will be served. We hope you’ll come and provide feedback.

Conceptual Design Review 
Tuesday June 25th 7pm 
Mendenhall Valley Public Library

 Can’t make the meeting? Check back at this website afterwards, where we’ll post all of the documents reviewed at the meeting.  Even if you’re unable to attend, we’re eager to hear from you. You are welcome to send me comments directly, and  will be two future meetings later this year to review later phases of design. As soon as those dates are firmed up, we’ll post them here as well.


Robert Barr
Library Director
Juneau Public Libraries


Big Check Event!

Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries,

Members and former members alike, please join me in a BIG CHECK conveyance event at the Amazing Bookstore (get directions) next Friday (2/8) at 10 am. A photographer from the Empire will be on hand to record the conveyance of the first $250,000 check to the CBJ of the Friends promised $1,000,000 contribution toward the design and construction of the New Valley Library. It would be great if everyone who has contributed their time and efforts (including current and former board members and bookstore volunteers) towards reaching this historic milepost could be on hand to share in the credit.

 Thank You,

 Paul Berans- Board President, Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries